Are bottom-up enhancement processes just a temporary trend? empirical evidence in italy
2021-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Build or Reuse? Built Environment Regeneration Strategies and Real Estate Market in Seven Metropolitan Cities in Italy
2021-01-01 Micelli, Ezio; Mangialardo, Alessia
Condannati al riuso : mercato immobiliare e forme della riqualificazione edilizia e urbana
2019-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Does Sustainability Affect Real Estate Market Values? Empirical Evidence from the Office Buildings Market in Milan (Italy)
2018-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio; Saccani, Federica
From sources of financial value to commons: Emerging policies for enhancing public real-estate assets in Italy
2018-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Grass-roots participation to enhance public real estate properties. Just a fad?
2021-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Innovation of off-site constructions : Benefits for developers and the community in an Italian case study
2020-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
La partecipazione crea valore? Modelli di simulazione per la valorizzazione dal basso del patrimonio immobiliare pubblico
2017-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
New bottom-up approaches to enhance public real/estate property
2016-01-01 Micelli, Ezio; Mangialardo, Alessia
Off-site Retrofit to Regenerate Multi-family Homes : Evidence from Some European Experiences
2019-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Off-site retrofit to regenerate multi-family homes : evidence from some european experiences
2018-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Participation, culture, entrepreneurship : using public real estate assets to create new urban regeneration models
2020-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Reconstruction or Reuse? How Real Estate Values and Planning Choices Impact Urban Redevelopment
2020-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Recycling the city new perspective on the real-estate market and construction industry
2017-01-01 Micelli, Ezio; Mangialardo, Alessia
Rethinking the construction industry under the circular economy : principles and case studies
2018-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Rethinking the construction industry under the circular economy : principles and case studies
2018-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Simulation Models to Evaluate the Value Creation of the Grass-Roots Participation in the Enhancement of Public Real-Estate Assets with Evidence from Italy
2017-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
Social capital and public policies for commons : bottom up processes in public real estate property valorization
2016-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
The enhancement of public real-estate assets through participation and social innovation: Empirical data from Italy
2018-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio
The Role of the Social Entrepreneur in Bottom-up Enhancement of Italian Public Real-Estate Properties
2018-01-01 Mangialardo, Alessia; Micelli, Ezio