Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.195
EU - Europa 4.674
AS - Asia 3.497
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 55
AF - Africa 24
SA - Sud America 7
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 21.453
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 12.891
CN - Cina 2.182
UA - Ucraina 1.338
HK - Hong Kong 879
RU - Federazione Russa 768
DE - Germania 558
GB - Regno Unito 444
SG - Singapore 367
FI - Finlandia 360
CA - Canada 303
IT - Italia 243
SE - Svezia 226
FR - Francia 204
IE - Irlanda 170
PL - Polonia 158
CH - Svizzera 77
BE - Belgio 74
EU - Europa 54
SN - Senegal 24
TR - Turchia 24
NL - Olanda 16
IR - Iran 12
IN - India 9
VN - Vietnam 8
AT - Austria 7
DK - Danimarca 7
ES - Italia 6
CL - Cile 5
LT - Lituania 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
JP - Giappone 4
KR - Corea 4
GR - Grecia 2
MC - Monaco 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PT - Portogallo 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CO - Colombia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
ID - Indonesia 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PH - Filippine 1
RO - Romania 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 21.453
Città #
Fairfield 1.732
Woodbridge 1.610
Chandler 1.167
Houston 933
Ann Arbor 908
Hong Kong 875
Ashburn 811
Jacksonville 762
Seattle 736
Wilmington 657
Nanjing 575
Cambridge 554
Dearborn 455
Lawrence 348
San Mateo 344
Toronto 297
Singapore 268
Nanchang 218
Beijing 178
Dublin 170
Princeton 170
Shanghai 160
Düsseldorf 133
London 129
Shenyang 126
Kunming 95
Kraków 85
Changsha 84
Chicago 82
Jinan 82
Tianjin 81
Brussels 74
Zurich 74
Brooklyn 73
Warsaw 72
Hebei 71
Venezia 68
Boardman 66
Jiaxing 60
San Diego 57
Hangzhou 55
Ningbo 45
Berlin 42
Lanzhou 40
Taizhou 35
Zhengzhou 35
Moscow 31
Philadelphia 30
Changchun 28
Helsinki 28
Santa Clara 27
Dakar 24
Guangzhou 24
Milan 23
Redmond 18
Saint Petersburg 18
Auburn Hills 17
Haikou 17
Norwalk 17
Strasbourg 17
Kocaeli 16
New Bedfont 16
Leawood 14
Florence 13
Ardabil 10
Augusta 10
Los Angeles 10
Des Moines 9
Hefei 9
Rome 9
Chiswick 8
Dong Ket 8
Fuzhou 8
Taiyuan 8
Frankfurt am Main 7
Istanbul 7
Las Vegas 7
Modena 7
Bari 6
Bologna 6
Huntington 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Amsterdam 5
Atlanta 5
Wuhan 5
Belfast 4
Indiana 4
Ishøj 4
Old Bridge 4
Venice 4
Vienna 4
Clearwater 3
Miami 3
Mumbai 3
New York 3
Ottawa 3
Padova 3
Palermo 3
Perm 3
Portland 3
Totale 16.277
Nome #
Physically-based Sounding Objects, as We Develop Them Today 280
Cooperative sound design: a protocol analysis 260
Evidence for a spatial bias in the perception of sequences of brief tones 251
A toolkit for explorations in sonic interaction design 251
Learning Pseudo-Physical Models for Sound Synthesis and Transformation 243
Sonic Interaction Design 228
Multisensory texture exploration at the tip of the pen 226
Sketching sound with voice and gesture 221
Making sounds with numbers: a tutorial on music software dedicated to digital audio 217
Numerical Methods for a Nonlinear Impact Model: A Comparative Study With Closed-Form Corrections 210
On the effectiveness of vocal imitations and verbal descriptions of sounds 204
Might as Well Jump: Sound Affects Muscle Activation in Skateboarding 200
Linearizing Auditory Distance Estimates by Means of Virtual Acoustics 195
Pedagogical approaches and methods 194
An audio-haptic interface based on auditory depth cues 194
A Case of Cooperative Sound Design 192
Perception and replication of planar sonic gestures 190
On the use of kernel-based methods in sound synthesis by physical modeling 190
Multisensory integration of drumming actions: musical expertise affects perceived audiovisual asynchrony 189
Action expertise reduces brain activity for audiovisual matching actions: An fMRI study with expert drummers 188
The gamelunch: Basic SID exploration of a dining scenario 187
Gamelunch: forging a dining experience through sound 183
Integration of acoustical information in the perception of impacted sound sources. The role of information accuracy and exploitability. 181
Designing an urban-scale auditory alert system 180
Acoustic rendering of particle-based simulation of liquids in motion 178
Sound and Music Computing: Research Trends and Some Key Issues 177
Extraction of pinna features for customized binaural audio delivery on mobile devices 176
A Generalized Musical-Tone Generator with Application to Sound Compression and Synthesis 175
Sonic Interaction Design 175
Continuous Sonic Feedback from a Rolling Ball 175
Auditory distance perception in the acoustic pipe 174
Fractionally-Addressed Delay Lines 174
An audio-haptic interface based on depth information 172
Sound Authoring Tools for Future Multimedia Systems 171
miMic : the microphone as a pencil 169
Sketching Sonic Interactions 169
A Fast Mellin and Scale Transform 168
Acoustic rendering of particle-based simulation of liquids in motion 168
Heigh Ho: Rhythmicity in Sonic Interaction 168
A numerical investigation of the invertibility of room transfer functions 166
Experimentation in physics-based sound modeling 166
Efficient computation of nonlinear filter networks with delay-free loops and applications to physically-based sound models 166
Maximally-diffusive yet efficient feedback delay networks for artificial reverberation 165
Physically informed signal processing methods for piano sound synthesis: a research overview 164
Physically-based audio rendering of contact 164
Automatic extraction of pinna edges for binaural audio customization 161
Sonic Interaction Design 161
The Ball within the Box: a sound-processing metaphor 159
A Cross-Modal Electronic Travel Aid Device 159
Circulant and elliptic feedback delay networks for artificial reverberation 158
Preface: Special Issue on Creativity Rethinks Science 158
Audio effects to enhance spatial information displays 157
Interactive simulation of rigid body interaction with friction-induced sound generation 157
Editor's Notes: Computer Music Instruction for Computer Engineering Students 154
A structural approach to distance rendering in personal auditory displays 151
Common pole equalization of small rooms using a two-step real-time digital equalizer 151
Orthogonal least squares algorithm for the approximation of a map and its derivatives with a RBF network 150
Innovative Tools for Sound Sketching Combining Vocalizations and Gestures 150
Emerging Sounds for Disappearing Computers 149
Elimination of delay-free loops in discrete-time models of nonlinear acoustic systems 148
Bandwidth of perceived inharmonicity for physical modeling of dispersive strings 145
Computational Models for musical sound sources 144
Generalized digital waveguide networks 143
Making sounds with numbers: a tutorial on music software dedicated to digital audio 142
Computational Models for Musical Sound Sources 138
Signal-theoretic characterization of waveguide mesh geometries for models of two-dimensional wave propagation in elastic media 136
Sonic interaction design: sound, information and experience 136
The Sound Design Toolkit (SDT): ecologically-founded sound synthesis for Max and Pd 135
The object of perception in impacted sound sources: the role of perceptual accessibility and information accuracy 134
Sketching sonic interactions by imitation-driven sound synthesis 134
Fractionally-addressed delay lines 133
Sviluppo di un’interfaccia audio-aptica basata sulla profondità spaziale 131
The curse of the where-rabbit: research through design of auditory trajectories 131
The Sounding Object 125
A Study On Using the Mellin Transform for Vowel Recognition 123
Reverberation still in business : Thickening and propagating micro-textures in physics-based sound modeling 123
A Fast Mellin Transform with Applications in DAFx 122
Sintesi del Movimento e dello Spazio nella Musica Elettroacustica 121
Bauhaus legacy in research through design: the case of basic sonic interaction design 121
A design exploration on the effectiveness of vocal imitations 120
Growing the practice of vocal sketching 119
Physics-Based And Spike-Guided Tools For Sound Design 118
Understanding cooperative sound design through linkographic analysis 118
A Dispersive Resonator in Real Time on MARS Workstation 117
Basic Sonic Interaction Design in the Kitchen 117
A New Formulation of the 2D-Waveguide Mesh for Percussion Instruments 116
Designing Continuous Multisensory Interaction 116
A Generalized Excitation for Real-Time Sound Synthesis by Physical Models 112
Self-organizing the space of vocal imitations 111
Sketch a Scratch 111
Introduction to Sound Processing 110
Experiencing Sonic Interaction Design: Product Design Activities at the SID Summer School 2010 110
A Digital Delay Line Based on Fractional Addressing 110
Auditory Perception of 3D Size: Experiments with Synthetic Resonators 109
Auditory Representations as Landmarks in the Sound Design Space 109
Signal Processing for Sound Synthesis: Computer-Generated Sounds and Music for All 108
Generalization of a 3-D resonator model for the simulation of spherical enclosures 107
A Numerical Investigation of the Representation of Room Transfer Functions for Artificial Reverberation 106
Introduction to two articles on the computational and mathematical developments of the phase vocoder 106
Sounding objects in Europe 106
Totale 15.830
Categoria #
all - tutte 97.207
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 97.207

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.047 0 0 0 0 0 0 509 461 282 363 237 195
2020/20213.164 283 253 356 241 201 296 388 222 111 241 429 143
2021/20221.831 436 415 247 23 32 72 32 244 75 178 55 22
2022/20232.711 570 144 92 370 287 430 46 198 338 60 93 83
2023/20241.285 181 43 107 42 103 41 128 293 201 21 6 119
2024/20251.993 201 84 198 65 80 358 1.007 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 22.127