Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.088
EU - Europa 2.600
AS - Asia 2.084
AF - Africa 134
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
SA - Sud America 8
Totale 10.925
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.903
CN - Cina 1.179
UA - Ucraina 727
HK - Hong Kong 646
IT - Italia 564
DE - Germania 342
SG - Singapore 207
GB - Regno Unito 204
FI - Finlandia 189
CA - Canada 184
RU - Federazione Russa 152
SN - Senegal 131
SE - Svezia 127
IE - Irlanda 98
FR - Francia 59
PL - Polonia 58
BE - Belgio 39
CH - Svizzera 24
IN - India 14
EU - Europa 11
IR - Iran 7
KR - Corea 7
BR - Brasile 5
IQ - Iraq 4
NL - Olanda 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
LT - Lituania 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HR - Croazia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
PT - Portogallo 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TR - Turchia 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EC - Ecuador 1
ES - Italia 1
IL - Israele 1
JP - Giappone 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
PA - Panama 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SI - Slovenia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 10.925
Città #
Chandler 713
Hong Kong 644
Fairfield 640
Woodbridge 511
Ashburn 420
Houston 418
Jacksonville 406
Wilmington 331
Ann Arbor 315
Nanjing 306
Seattle 266
Dearborn 233
Cambridge 210
Lawrence 200
San Mateo 184
Toronto 183
Singapore 170
Dakar 131
Nanchang 112
Princeton 100
Dublin 98
Shanghai 94
Beijing 89
Düsseldorf 80
London 68
Venezia 64
Shenyang 59
Kunming 51
Tianjin 48
Las Vegas 42
Jinan 41
Boardman 40
Hebei 40
Brussels 39
Hangzhou 37
Philadelphia 36
Kraków 34
Jiaxing 32
Brooklyn 29
Changsha 29
Rome 29
San Diego 29
Atlanta 28
Milan 27
Ningbo 25
Redmond 24
Warsaw 24
Chicago 23
Los Angeles 23
Zurich 23
Guangzhou 21
Zhengzhou 21
Santa Clara 17
Changchun 14
Leawood 14
Berlin 13
Penza 12
Saint Petersburg 12
Taizhou 12
Lanzhou 11
Helsinki 10
Auburn Hills 9
Bologna 9
Norwalk 9
Florence 8
Napoli 7
Augusta 5
Brescia 5
Chiswick 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Fuzhou 5
Kilburn 5
Mountain View 5
Ardabil 4
Haikou 4
Hefei 4
Marsciano 4
Monmouth Junction 4
Mumbai 4
Phoenix 4
São Paulo 4
Turin 4
Abano Terme 3
Calderara Di Reno 3
Casalecchio Di Reno 3
Conegliano 3
Genoa 3
Jinhua 3
Mazzano Romano 3
Melegnano 3
Mestre 3
Miami 3
Monza 3
Opera 3
Orange 3
Padova 3
Pavia 3
Perugia 3
Pula 3
Rosà 3
Totale 8.122
Nome #
La 'Teoria dell'espansione dell'impresa' di Edith Penrose: una rilettura 431
Global investments in agricultural land and the role of the EU : drivers, scope and potential impacts 240
Public Realm as City Welfare & Citizens Wellbeing: the Case of Cao Yang - Shanghai 235
Willingness to Pay for Contaminated Site Cleanup Policies: Evidence from a Conjoint Choice Study in Italy 225
Coworking, the Sharing Economy, and the City: Which Role for the "Coworking Entrepreneur"? 220
Redeveloping industrial land: are contamination and remediation schemes affecting the price of industrial real estate properties? 216
The Value of Reducing Cancer Risks at Contaminated Sites: Are More Knowledgeable People Willing to Pay More? 192
Integrating adaptive governance and participatory multicriteria methods: a framework for climate adaptation governance 185
The decline of eco-industrial development in Porto Marghera, Italy 181
The role of liability, regulation and economic incentives in brownfield remediation and redevelopment: evidence from surveys of developers 179
Public Policies for Contaminated Site Cleanup: Evidence from a Survey of the Italian Public 176
A Multi-level Integrated Analysis of Socio-Economic Systems Metabolism: an Application to the Italian Regional Level 171
Brownfields Remediation and Reuse: an Opportunity for Urban Sustainable Development 170
Paying for Permanence: Public Preferences for Contaminated Site Cleanup 167
The Value of Reducing Cancer Risks at Contaminated Sites: Are More Heavily Exposed People Willing to Pay More? 166
Coworking, the Sharing Economy, and the City: Which Role for the ‘Coworking Entrepreneur’? 166
Cognitive economies and the 'nature of the district', 160
Paying for Permanence: Public Preferences for Contaminated Site Cleanup 160
Rates of Time Preferences for Saving Lives in the Hazardous Waste Site Context 152
Public Policies for Contaminated Site Cleanup: The Opinions of the Italian Public 148
The relevance today of Edith Penrose's Theory of the growth of the firm 146
Developer Preferences for Brownfield Policies 143
The Role of Liability, Regulation and Economic Incentives in Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment: Evidence from Surveys of Developers 142
The Role Of Liability, Regulation And Economic Incentives In Brownfield Remediation And Redevelopment: Evidence From Surveys Of Developers 140
Microfoundations of knowledge dynamics within the firm 138
Governing Environmental Restoration: Institutions and Industrial Site Cleanups 134
Proposta di linee guida per il recupero ambientale e la valorizzazione economica dei brownfields 130
Valutazione tecnica ed economica delle bonifiche nel SIN di Porto Marghera 128
Productivity in Innovation: the Role of Inventor Connections and Mobility” 126
Analisi integrata di scenari di miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica del settore civile e commerciale della regione Veneto 124
Black boxes, grey boxes: the scope of contracts in the theory of the firm 116
Processo di nuclearizzazione della famiglia e mercato del lavoro: una analisi sui dati censuari 114
Contamination of the lagoon of Venice: people's risk perception 114
Bonifica, Recupero e Valorizzazione delle Aree Industriali Dismesse e Contaminate: Percezioni e Preferenze dei Cittadini 113
Eterogeneità della forza lavoro e organizzazione familiare: una verifica empirica 112
Brownfield remediation and redevelopment: valuing the costs and the benefits 110
Economic valuation of ecosystem services at the local level for policy makers and planners. The case of the island of S. Erasmo in the Lagoon of Venice 108
Foreign Investment in Land and Corporate Social Responsibility : an Investigation for Africa 104
Economic Valuation for Policy Making: Using Conjoint Choice Experiments to Investigate Stakeholder Preferences for Contaminated Land Cleanup and Redevelopment Programmes 102
Knowledge about, Importance of, and Attitudes Towards Industrial Bronwfield Re-use 102
Addressing the problem of contaminated sites remediation: preliminary results from a survey of the Italian public 101
An introduction to the reuse of contaminated sites for local sustainable development 100
Dinamiche del Mercato Immobiliare nelle Aree Produttive del Sito di Interesse Nazionale di Porto Marghera 98
Analisi multicriteriale e scenari di efficienza energetica per il settore residenziale: il caso della Regione Veneto 98
I meccanismi del governo. l'economia dei costi di transazione: concetti, strumenti, applicazioni 95
Costi di transazione e forme di organizzazione nel commercio internazionale: il caso dei consorzi all'esportazione 95
Conoscenza, flessibilità e organizzazione: un posto per le risorse umane nella teoria dell'impresa 94
Mente e istituzioni: Hayek e il neoistituzionalismo 93
Human Capital, technology intensity and growth in a regional context 93
Urban sustainable growth and brownfield remediation and reuse 92
Valuing the benefits of contaminated sites remediation 92
La corsa globale alla terra e il ruolo dell’Europa 92
Contaminazione e bonifica: risultati di un'inchiesta nazionale su conoscenza, opinioni e percezioni del pubblico 91
The role of liability, regulation and economic incentives in brownfields remediation and redevelopment: evidence from surveys of developers in Europe 90
The nature of economic district: a cognitive approach 89
Famiglia e mercato del lavoro 89
I diritti di proprietà intellettuale e l'economia della scienza 89
Il mestiere delle istituzioni 88
Institutions meet mind 86
Mismatching by design: explaining the dynamics of innovative capabilities of the firm with a Penrosian mark 85
Remediation of contaminated sites: Estimating the value to prevent the case of cancer 85
Environmental contamination and industrial real estate market: an application of hedonic price method in Italy 84
Stakeholder preferences for contaminated land clean-up and redevelopment programmes in Italy 84
Land recycling : an opportunity for local sustainable development 84
Proposta di linee guida per il recupero ambientale e la valorizzazione economica dei brownfields 84
Economic Valuation for Contaminated Site Redevelopment 84
Reading Edith Penrose's The Theory of the growth of the Firm forty Years on (1959-1999) 83
External Costs of Transposrtation Case Study: Marittime Transport 83
Le ragioni delle organizzazioni economiche 83
Costs and Benefits Analysis of the Redevelopment of Contaminated Areas 83
Geo-referenced environmental accounting for Multi-functionality. valuation and land accounts: the case of S.Erasmo in the lagoon ofVenice 83
Illegal markets and new institutional economics 82
Review of the measurement of external costs of transportation in theory and practice . 81
Le ragioni delle organizzazioni economiche:una introdzuione 80
The Core of the Firm, 79
Institutions meet mind: the way out of an impasse 79
Proibito? Il mercato mondiale della droga 79
Valuing Complex Natural Resource Systems:The Case of the Lagoon of Venice, 79
High-Tech Urban Agriculture in Amsterdam : An Actor Network Analysis 79
The Value of Reducing Cancer Risks and Reuse at Contaminated Sites 78
Produzione di informazione e innovazione: forme di cooperazione e competizione 78
The recovery and rebirth of Porto Marghera: short and long term perspectives for sustainable development 78
Le istituzioni economiche del capitalismo 77
New Value of the Public Space Within China and Europe in the Digital Era 77
Subjective diversity and social learning: a cognitive perspective for understanding institutional behavior 76
La bonifica dei siti inquinati: la valutazione economica della riduzione dei rischi per la salute 75
Domanda e offerta nel mercato internazionale dei narcotici: effetti della proibizione 73
Politiche di bonifica dei siti contaminati: primi risultati di un’indagine nazionale presso la popolazione, 70
Le istituzioni economiche del capitalismo: una introduzione 70
Governing environmental restoration: institutions and industrial sites cleanups 70
Human capital, technology intensity, and growth in a regional context 69
Studio di fattibilità sul recupero e destinazione di Porto Marghera dal punto di vista economico considerando anche i problemi ambientali 67
Profit sharing: cambia il salario o cambia l'impresa? 66
Risk perception in Venice and Marghera: results of focus groups with the population 64
Institutional design: the contribution of new institutional economics 62
The reborn of Muslim residential neighbourhood: international design workshop in the topic of Chinese minority settlement 57
Technology-Driven Transition in Urban Food Production Practices : A Case Study of Shanghai 48
Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Insights from Italian Investments 48
Totale 11.252
Categoria #
all - tutte 54.737
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 54.737

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020863 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 194 106 183 108 86
2020/20211.671 144 131 165 117 174 149 101 107 61 151 298 73
2021/20221.149 243 259 115 48 31 41 23 165 68 97 30 29
2022/20231.694 329 221 109 222 134 252 43 79 169 38 64 34
2023/2024861 78 29 43 66 48 39 76 263 122 22 10 65
2024/2025997 143 57 99 42 100 209 347 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.252