A shared terminology for hypothetical 3D digital reconstructions in the field of Cultural Heritage
2023-01-01 Cazzaro, Irene
Are the morphometric dimensions of artificial drawing out of measure?
2024-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Artificial Abductive Geometry as a Syntax for Asemic Writings
2025-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Cellular automata between life science and parametric design : examples of stochastic models to simulate natural processes and generate morphogenetic artefacts
2019-01-01 Cazzaro, I.
Connettere spazi tra arti e scienze: scatole proiettive come realtà (analogicamente) aumentata prima e dopo la Realtà (digitalmente) Aumentata = Connecting Spaces between Art and Science: Projective Boxes as (Analogical) Augmented Reality Before and After the (Digital) Augmented Reality
2020-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Dialoghi tra diverse discipline (e lingue) : una terminologia condivisa per le ricostruzioni digitali 3D ipotetiche e per la classificazione del loro livello di incertezza
2022-01-01 Cazzaro, Irene
Drawn Reflections and Reflections on Drawing:the “Anti-perspectives” of Abstractionists and Figurativistsat the VchuTeMas = Disegnate riflessioni e riflessioni sul Disegno: le “anti-prospettive” degli astrattisti e dei realisti ai VchuTeMas
2020-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Eidogenesis of the Artificial: The Case of the Relationships between Models of the “Natural Image” and Cellular Automata
2017-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Environmental Affordances: Some Meetings Between Artificial Aesthetics and Interior Design Theory
2023-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Esercizi del corso di disegno e comunicazione visiva: collaudo dei fondamenti e redazione del portfolio di laurea
2016-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Graphic Tools to Simulate the Evolution of Cities: A Review of Recent Experiences from Cellular Automata to Artificial Intelligence
2024-01-01 Cazzaro, Irene; Gay, Fabrizio
Hypothetical Cultural Heritage and its users : challenges in the interpretation and communication through verbal and visual methods
2023-01-01 Cazzaro, Irene
Il disegno dell'indiscernibile: morfogenesi & morfografia degli artefatti = Drawing the indiscernible: morphogenesis & morphography of the artefacts
2016-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Learning from Patterns : Information Retrieval and Visualisation Issues Between Bioimage Informatics and Digital Humanities
2023-01-01 Cazzaro, Irene
L’assonometria svolta: riflessioni moscovite sui rovesciamenti antiprospettici degli interni = The unfolded axonometry Muscovite reflections on the anti-perspectival reversals of the interiors
2019-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Materialismo e immagine/scrittura: Otto Neurath verso una razionale stilizzazione semiotica = Materialism and image/writing: Otto Neurath towards a semiotic and rational stylisation
2018-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
Scientific Reference Model : defining standards, methodology and implementation of serious 3D models in Archaeology, Art and Architectural History
2023-01-01 Kuroczyński, P.; Apollonio, F. I.; Bajena, I. P.; Cazzaro, I.
Self-organized matter : design and primitive future of the eidetic categories
2017-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene
The drawing and the artefact : biomorphism in the design of murano glass objects in the 20th century
2020-01-01 Cazzaro, I.
Topology and topography of the interior : Lissitzky vs. Florenskij
2019-01-01 Gay, Fabrizio; Cazzaro, Irene